tamil memorial foundation

Amplifying the Authentic Voices of Grassroots Eelam Tamils: Preserving Heritage, Empowering Futures”

May 18

A mini history lesson about Tamil Genocide

A mini history lesson about Tamil Genocide: 11 years ago - the final stages of the armed conflict in Sri Lanka ended in the beaches of Mullaivaikkal. The government set up 'No fire zones' for thousands of Tamil civilians to take shelter only to be systematically attacked and massacred. This period saw the deaths of 70,000 to 140,000 Tamil civilians primarily by SriLankan army.


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Tamils from Eelam (Sri Lanka)

The Tamils of the island are descendants of the Nagar and Iyakkar clans who predate the arrival of Vijayan and his 700 followers in the 5th century BCE, the ancestors of the Sinhalese on the island. Archaeological excavations by S.U. Deraniyagala (Iranaimadu Formation by S.U. Deraniyagala) have also uncovered evidence establishing that Eelam Tamils lived there around 500-700 BC, with palm leaf scriptures serving as corroborative evidence (as referenced in “Kantarodai Civilization of Ancient Jaffna” by Dr. Siva Thiagarajah). Notably, during Dutugamini’s reign, Tamil kings were in power over the majority of regions in Sri Lanka, except the Ruhunu south governed by Dutugamini himself. The Mahavamsa also mentions thirty-two Demela kings who were defeated by Dutugamini on his way to reach Anuradhapura (as recorded in the Mahavamsa).

Eelam Tamils


Message from our Elected representatives

Town of Ajax and City of Brampton Proclaim Nov 21, 2023, as Tamil National Flag Day: A Historic Milestone Toronto, ON – November 21, 2023 – The Tamil Memorial Foundation proudly announces the monumental proclamation by the Town of Ajax and City of Brampton, designating November 21st as Tamil National Flag Day. This remarkable recognition signifies a pivotal moment in Canadian history, celebrating the vibrant heritage and indelible contributions of the Canadian Tamil community. The Town of Ajax and City of Brampton have exemplified exceptional leadership and inclusivity in acknowledging the profound impact of the Canadian Tamil community on the fabric of Canada. We extend our deepest gratitude to these municipalities for their unwavering support and embracing the significance of Tamil National Flag Day.

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