National Flag Day

The Tamil National Flag is adorned with four colors – yellow, red, black, and white. Yellow signifies the moral foundation and righteousness of the liberation struggle, aligning the Tamil Eelam Nation with the cause of justice. Red embodies our political aspiration for revolutionary social transformation, aiming to establish social equality, socialism, and social justice by eradicating inequalities within Tamil Eelam society, including the resolution of caste and class contradictions and the abolition of female subjugation. Black signifies that the path to liberation is rugged, fraught with death, destruction, and unbearable suffering, requiring steadfast resolve, unwavering faith, and unyielding determination to overcome these trials and confront the post-freedom challenges and threats to build and safeguard the nation. White symbolizes the imperative for the liberation movement, its leaders, and the people to uphold purity and integrity.

Since the era of the Chola dynasty, the last prominent Tamil Empire in the Indian Subcontinent, Tamils have consistently identified with and embraced variations of the Tiger flag as their own. Additionally, Eelam Tamils, representing present-day Sri Lanka, officially adopted this flag on November 21st, 1990.

During a special session on October 24, 2021, the Parliament of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam resolved and declared that the 21st of November each year would be recognized as Tamil National Flag Day. This flag, which unites Tamil nationals of Eelam (Sri Lanka) worldwide, symbolizes their sovereignty and right to self-determination. It serves as a poignant reminder of the immense sacrifices made by the Eelam Tamil community in their struggle for liberation and emancipation from foreign rule and Sinhala-Buddhist dominance.

Our Contribution

9 Sep - Our News

Thank you, Hon. Jagmeet Singh, leader of the New Democratic Party,


9 Sep - Our News

Thank you Town of Ajax for your leadership and support in proclaiming Tamil National Flag Day


9 Sep - Our News

Thank you Hon. Shaun Chen, MP for your unwavering support to Tamil Community